Assiniboine School Swift Night

Assiniboine School

Bit late to the party, but I thought I would share a few photos from the successful swift viewing evening from June 20th. In total 24 people attended, including the regular crowd of dedicated volunteers (David, Adolf, Beth among others). We even managed to drag some locals on a night time stroll over to watch the developing spectacle. Our counters at the main chimney estimated that 70-71 Chimney Swifts had entered the chimney (including some exiters, which was somewhat surprising). A video of the evening put the final total at 71. Great job Jacquie and Frank and the others helping them!

Here are a few photos. We will certainly be doing this again in 2017!

Watching the chimney at Assiniboine School
Swifts at the Assiniboine School

Tim Poole